Friday, January 28, 2011

Health Insurance Agents Leaving the Business

Not a day goes by, anymore, where I don't hear from at least one health insurance agent telling me of their woes with commission cuts, advance reductions and tougher underwriting guidelines. As we all know this would happen under Obamacare, some predicted it way back in 2009..

When the President said back then that you did not have to change you existing benefits, if you liked them, he so clearly lied. Now, the federal government is releasing the list of those granted waivers from having to subscribe to the regulations in the new healthcare bill. over 2.1 Million Americans are now exempted. It's  who's who of unions, state and city governments. You can see the list here.

Here's how the waivers break down:
  • Of all the waivers granted to date:
    • Employment-Based Coverage: The vast majority – 712 plans representing 97 percent of all waivers – were granted to health plans that are employment-related.
      • Self-Insured Employer Plans Applicants: Employer-based health plans received most of the waivers – 359.     
      • Collectively-Bargained Employer-Based Plan Applicants: Most of the other health plans receiving waivers are multi-employer health funds created by a collective bargaining agreement between a union and two or more employers, pursuant to the Taft-Hartley Act.  These “union plans” are employment based group health plans and operate for the sole benefit of workers.  They tend to be larger than other typical group health plans because they cover multiple employers. There are also single-employer union plans that have received a waiver.  In total, 182 collectively-bargained plans have received waivers.
      • Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs):  HRAs are employer-funded group health plans where employees are reimbursed tax-free for qualified medical expenses up to a maximum dollar amount for a coverage period.  In total, HHS has approved 171 applications for waivers for HRAs.
    • Health Insurers: Sixteen waivers were granted to health insurers, which can apply for a waiver for multiple mini-med products sold to employers or individuals. 
    • State Governments: Four waivers have gone to State governments.  States may apply for a waiver of the restricted annual limits on behalf of issuers of state-mandated policies if state law required the policies to be offered by the issuers prior to September 23, 2010. 
  • The number of enrollees in plans with annual limits waivers is 2.1 million, representing only about 1 percent of all Americans who have private health insurance today.
Health insurance agents seeking to move into the senior market because of its stability and exemption from Obamacare should run, not walk, to the nearest exit... NOW!

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Even if you don't believe you could sell over the phone, just get into this market. It's the last lifeboat you have.. and you'll be VERY glad you did when you see the persistency and long term income from this very lucrative niche.